632埃托尔的上司在三起看似毫无关联的凶杀案中,发现三起案件的受害者都有一个共同点,顺着这个线索找出凶手则需要情报处的埃托尔找出更多有用的信息。 在外界看来,埃托尔只是一位为破案收集信息的警察,但是他还有一... -
超感神探 第六季
794《超感警探》英文片名为《The Mentalist》,由美国CBS发行,金球奖提名者Simon Baker主演,饰演一位过去曾长期在媒体上发表各类关于精神疾病和超自然感觉的文章,并且一直担任电视谈话节... -
653A bride's divorced parents find their old feelings for each other during the wedding reception and over the course of the next few days upsetting the -
52Peacock续订《妹子再组合Girls5Eva》第二季。 -
Tracy meets Nick in the third installment of the trilogy, and he helps her save an original draft of The New Colossus in exchange for her helping hi