982A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadl -
807When his girlfriend Sasha and best friend Elias give hothead Richard a harpoon for his birthday, he wants to try this new toy out right away. So the t -
582With her friends Walid and Bilel, Yassmin, a journalism student, tries to solve a mysterious criminal case dating back more than 25 years, when a woma -
486AustraliancomedianandactorFelicityWard(“Wakefield,”“TheInbetweeners2”)willportrayHannahHoward,theMDofpackagingcompanyFlinleyCraddickin“TheOfficeAustra -
39卡米·康维(劳拉·马兰洛饰)拥有一切:她得到了自己想要的工作,成为一名录音工程师,并将与优秀男友保罗(斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特饰)订婚、结婚、生孩子。然而她总觉得少了些什么。她是否只是担心错失和害怕承诺?或者,她真的错过了一个更好的职业生涯,也许是她曾经梦想却被长期搁置的歌唱事业?保罗是她一生的挚爱吗 -
不义之财 十年不晚 第一季
147该系列电影三部曲在推出 10 年后迎来续作,这部瑞典语翻拍版将故事背景设定在斯德哥尔摩。故事主角是年轻的单身母亲莱亚,她试图在创业的舞台上取得成功。在这个浮躁的环境中,人们对地位和金钱的渴望比以往更强烈,莱亚下定决心无论如何都要取得成功。富豪和犯罪的世界比以往任何时候都要残酷、混乱和无情。当这两个世 -
70年代晚期成軍的Pulp,寫下英式搖滾樂團最大器晚成的故事。整個80年代都被忽略,熬到90年代才因〈Common People〉搖滾國歌大紅大紫。紀錄片《關於Pulp的日常搖滾》以2012年底在家鄉的最後一場重聚公演為主軸,記錄了如夢境般的演唱會,也深情凝視了Sheffield這座城市,及安居
219A seemingly happy Swedish housewife and mother begins an adulterous affair with a foreign archaeolog... -
645Two brothers Carmelo and Gino (Girgenti and Webber) are raised by their mob boss grandfather Salvatore Gianni (Williams). Through a series of events -
牧师神探 第三季
900James Norton and Robson Green return as the unlikely 1950s crime fighting duo, Vicar Sidney Chambers and Police Inspector Geordie Keating, in the thir