惨雨 第三季[电影解说]
928故事讲述十年前的一场残酷的细菌侵袭灭绝了斯堪的纳维亚的绝大多数人口,一对年轻兄妹开始了一段寻觅安全处所的旅途。兄妹二人唯一的向导是父亲的日记本,里面记录了细菌与新世界的危险。他们加入其他年轻幸存者的行列,开始了险象环生的跨境之行。面对致命灾难,这帮人必须迅速意识到,最大的危险并非来自外界,而是来 -
490What really brings a small community together? When everything is at stake and sides are being taken, what does it take to stand up against the majo -
906在与朱丽叶·比诺什合作并入围威尼斯电影节主竞赛单元的首部长片《等待》中,皮耶罗·梅西纳就触及了死亡和悲伤的主题,而现在他要做出更进一步的探讨——爱人逝去之后,我们该如何面对别离,又要如何处理彼此之间的回忆?在他这部入围柏林国际电影节主竞赛单元的新片《另一种结局》中,男主角萨尔给出的答案是,求助于 -
9341750 年的上奥地利州,鱼塘倒映着阴云密布的天空。一片深邃黑暗的森林吞噬着阳光。山顶上,陈列着一具被绞死的女人的尸体。这是个例子。一个警告。一个预兆?虔诚而敏感的艾格尼丝对死去的女人怀着怜悯之心。但同时也充满了渴望:在她刚嫁给丈夫沃尔夫的世界里,她觉得自己像个陌生人。这是一个情感冷漠的世界,由 -
73After an experimental drug trial goes horribly wrong, the surviving test subjects have to fight off sleep, and each other, to stay alive. -
677When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, h -
429After an experimental drug trial goes horribly wrong, the surviving test subjects have to fight off sleep, and each other, to stay alive. -
555Young heroine Kennedy and her friends find themselves at Terrace Lanes on its last night of operation. When chaos breaks out, Kennedy and her father m -
177Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother ( -
437When a creepy Jack-in-the-Box is discovered and opened on the grounds of an exclusive girls' school, six brave students soon enter a fight to the fini