The Real Ghostbusters was an American animated television series based on the hit 1984 film Ghostbusters. The series ran from 1986 to 1991, and was
妙妙熊历险记 第一季[电影解说]
370一群住在地底的可爱小熊,喝了独创秘方的神奇妙妙草莓汁后可以有一段时间的巨大力气和高弹跳力,不断打败坏蛋。他们的祖先曾经创造了辉煌的文明,但为了躲避贪婪的人类,被迫迁徙到了很远的海对岸。留守原处的少量居民失去了他们大部分的知识与技术。一个偶然的日子,他们救了一个人类少年,得到了这个少年收藏的魔法徽 -
338Milan,2030;whereonlyeightyearsearliertheindependentglobalspyagencyCitadelwaswipedoutbyManticore,thepowerfulenemysyndicatethatmanipulatestheworldfromth -
201意大利最伟大恐怖大师达里奥.亚金托(《阴风阵阵》)执导的经典悬疑恐怖片 。一个在罗马的英国音乐家在一本神秘的鬼怪书中读到关于他邻居如何残忍被杀的过程,他前去拜访该书的作者,发现她也成了谋杀的牺牲品。音乐家在解开谜团的过程中,经历了许多奇异而恐怖的事情。影片的形式感非常强,无论是令人心跳的摇滚乐还 -
654Simone is a young law student who finds a passion for defending women in abuse cases. Yet her own sexual interests lead her to a world of violence and -
177Simone is a young law student who finds a passion for defending women in abuse cases. Yet her own sexual interests lead her to a world of violence and -
3941939年,持续三年的西班牙内战接近尾声,右翼法西斯分子风头正劲。左派战争孤儿卡洛斯(费尔南多·缇艾弗 Fernando Tielve 饰),被父亲的战友们送到一个位于荒郊野外的孤儿院。这个孤儿院由严厉的卡门女士(玛丽莎·佩雷德斯 Marisa Paredes 饰)和和蔼的卡萨瑞斯教授(Fede -
441Bangkok: In the suburbs, a modern town-house, left vacant, becomes home to a single-parent Thai family. But, an affair between the mother and the ho