402Billu是一个理发师,靠着经营着一家理发店维持生计,因为店里设备老旧,发式落后赶不上潮流,在对面的时尚Madan理发店的挤压下,生意很是惨淡,前景并不乐观。生活越来越窘迫的Billu一家,不仅孩子的学费交不起,就连家里的口粮也是妻子挨家挨户七拼八凑借来的。然而这时传来了受人尊敬的大明星Sahir要 -
An egoistic real estate broker in huge debts, meets with an accident.God appears in front of him and informs him that he will have to play a "G
556An egoistic real estate broker in huge debts, meets with an accident.God appears in front of him and informs him that he will have to play a "G